4 Days Birding Experience in Kenya


4 days


Kenya records 1090 bird species which is 11% of the total avifauna population worldwide. Kenya is blessed with eight national endemic species; over 170 species are Pale arctic migrants among which 11 species are local breeding biomes, mainly from the Middle East, Siberia, Eastern Europe, and Russia. It is on record that 60 species migrate regularly within the Congo basin or from Madagascar. Some 335 species are inhabitants of forest environment; 230 species are entirely forest natives. This 4 Days Birding Experience in Kenya will take you to some of the most popular birding destinations in Kenya, part of our 4 days adventure on the lookout for avifauna is spent in Nairobi National Park which offers a long list of birding experiences with over 500 bird species closer to the city center, the list includes the African Water Rail, Spotted Thick-knee, Jackson’s Widowbird, Speke’s Weaver, Northern Pied Babbler, Pangani Longclaw, Secretarybird, Zebra Waxbill, Kori Bustard, African Quail-finch, Saddle-billed Stork, Croaking Cisticola, White-tailed Lark, Rufous-naped Lark, Ruppell’s Robin-chat, Red-throated Tit, Martial Eagle, African Crowned Eagle, Lappet-faced Vulture, Yellow-throated Sandgrouse, Violet Wood-hoopoe, Nairobi Pipit, Desert Cisticola among other and this comes alongside big mammals like leopards, Cape Buffalos, Rhinos, African Elephants and Nile Crocodiles. Visit lake Naivasha National park a rift valley soda lake with over 300 bird species inclusive of the spectacular thousands of flamingos and Cape Teal, Pied Avocet, Black Heron, Great White Pelican, Common Greenshank, Goliath Heron, Maccoa Duck, Pied Avocet, Blacksmith Plover, Black Cuckoo, Osprey, Hybrid Lovebird, Red-throated Wryneck, Coqui Francolin, Hilderbrandt’s Francolin, Buff-bellied Warbler, African Hoopoe, Malachite Kingfisher, African Cuckoo, Grey Crowned Crane, Black Cuckoo, Hottentot Teal and Red-billed Teal, Dusky Nightjar, Grey-crested Helmetshrike, Cape Teal, Montane Nightjar, Hilderbrandt’s Francolin, Arrow-marked Babbler, Maccoa Duck, Ruff, Green Sandpiper, African Fish Eagle, Pied Kingfisher, Giant Kingfisher, Greater Flamingo, Verreaux’s Eagle, Tawny Eagle, Malachite Sunbird, Lesser Flamingo, Pink-backed Pelican, White-backed Duck. Book this tour in advance to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Tour highlights

  • Day 1: Birding Nairobi National Park
  • Day 2: Birding transfer to Lake Naivasha Game Reserve
  • Day 3: Birding Lake Naivasha Game Reserve
  • Day 4: Birding transfer to Nairobi


  • Transportation
  • Full board accommodation whilst on safari
  • All park entrance fees
  • Service of our professional English speaking driver-guide
  • Drinks and international flights
  • Personal spending money
  • Laundry
  • Hotel in Nairobi before and after safari

Tour Plan

On the first day, you’ll get a taste of Kenya’s oldest yet still very valuable National Park, the one and only Nairobi National Park! This irreplaceable park will give you a chance to experience the forest, grassland, terrestrial and wetland species.
Meal Plan: Lunch and Dinner
On our second day, we’ll visit Lake Naivasha, Kenya’s second largest freshwater lake that is home to a wide array of interesting species with over 300 have been counted! You’ll also be treated to a wonderful boat ride onto the lake in search of those hard-to-get-to wetland species.
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Mosque Swallow, Lyne’s Cisticola, Chestnut Sparrow, Abyssinian Wheatear, Nyanza Swift, Mottled Swift, White-fronted Bee-eater, Mocking Cliff Chat, Bearded Woodpecker, Plain-
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
After breakfast, drive to Lake Nakuru National Park for your final Kenya birdwatching safari arriving after one hour. Renowned as the “Birdwatchers Paradise” this place will blow your feathers off! .
Meal Plan: Breakfast and Lunch

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